
Louis Kentner
Introduction by Yehudi Menuhin

Every idea expressed is lucid and profound … this book should be in the library of every pianist, amateur or professional, and every music-lover should possess it for reference and refreshment.
Fanny Waterman – Music Journal

Virtuoso pianist Louis Kentner brings his genius, his humour, his enormous musical maturity and his vast experience to help the reader understand and play the piano in this inaugural Menuhin Music Guide.






Louis Kentner covers all aspects of the piano in this comprehensive and fascinating dissertation. As well as practical material there are pages of instruction on technique including a chapter on the use of the pedal, some hints on singing tone and legato, advice on practising, and a do-it-yourself guide to basic tuning. Kentner provides a penetrating analysis of much of Chopin’s and Liszt’s piano music and contributes a unique and detailed study of Beethoven’s thirty-two piano sonatas. The book includes some selected further reading and a discography.

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