
Crispian Steele-Perkins

Made me want to throw back the bed covers and practice . . . worth having in your trumpet case at all times. International Record Review

Crispian Steele-Perkins is a virtuoso trumpet player and a leading authority on the trumpet family of instruments. In this book he covers all aspects of the development of the trumpet in all its variations with expert tips on playing and performing. It is illustrated with music examples, diagrams and photographs.






This book will prove to be of inestimable value to the student, the teacher and the professional trumpet player. It not only traces the development of the trumpet from the earliest times to the present day, but gives clear and concise practical instruction for playing instruments of the trumpet family, with numerous musical examples. Both experienced and aspiring trumpeters will be guided from the basic elements to the rediscovery of forgotten skills of the past. These include not only conventional trumpet and cornet playing but also directions regarding the art of “Clarino” playing with further instructions for Baroque trumpet, Renaissance cornetto, cavalry trumpet, bugle, coach horn, Flatt-trumpet, slide trumpet, keyed-trumpet, keyed bugle, cornopean, mutes and many more – all with photographic illustration. The history and mechanisms of even the most obscure instruments are examined and guidance is also offered upon attitudes to breathing, relaxation, posture, presentation and the important subject of choosing a mouthpiece. Exercises are suggested for extending range and stamina and guidance provided to solving the problems encountered by many players at some time in their careers.


Author’s Introduction
1. Early History
2. Early Trumpet Music
3. The Slide-Trumpet
4. The Keyed-Trumpet and Keyed-Bugle
5. The Cornetto and the Mock-Trumpet
6. Valves
7. Sibling Rivalries
8. Recent Developments
9. Mutes
10. The Vented ‘Baroque-Style’ Trumpet
11. The Mouthpiece
12. Posture and Breathing
13. Some Fundemental Points
14. Articulation
15. Detailed Preparations
16. And finally …

About the Author

Crispian Steele-Perkins is a virtuoso solo trumpeter whose particular interest is to restore, play and record upon antique instruments of the trumpet family. During the first twenty years of his career he played in leading orchestras – Royal Philharmonic, Sadlers Wells Opera, English Chamber and was in great demand in recording studios. For twelve years he was professor of trumpet at the Guildhall School of Music, London. His varied experience, practical approach and unquenchable enthusiasm in all fields of music have made him one of the world’s most authoritative and highly esteemed trumpet players.


Made me want to throw back the bed covers and practice . . . worth having in your trumpet case at all times. International Record Review



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